The commercial you’re about to see wasn’t allowed on television more than a few times. Once the Federal Communications Commission caught wind of its content, they quickly shut it down. Just like when the FCC wouldn’t let Eminem be, they were all over this like a rash…
TV advertisements are often provocative and are all about getting attention for the brand they’re promoting. Sometimes getting banned works out too. It’s free publicity, right? Right.
And this commercial – for Planet Fitness gyms – didn’t last long on the air. Well, what do you expect…? It takes place in a women’s locker room ferchrissakes!
Now, we’ve never actually been in a women’s gym locker room, but we have seen plenty of videos set in them over the years (if you get what we’re saying). And they’re usually full of half-nekkid girls with bods to due for…
And this ad right here does NOT disappoint on that front, trust us. See for yourself:
You can see the full commercial here…