So there’s a rap beef going on at the moment. It’s between Soulja Boy and Chris Brown. Not exactly Biggie Vs. Tupac, we know – but bear with us. Their Twitter spat has got ugly. Names, threats, all sorts. The hatred is real. And now they’re gonna fight. It’s confirmed.
The celebrity boxing match is likely to help raise money for charity and has none other than Floyd Mayweather involved.
No date has been set, but the fight looks to have the backing of Money. And both rappers are keen to get it done. Although Soulja is quite a bit smaller than Brown. And we all know that Brown can punch. But can he hit dudes…?
Could it be happening…? Here’s Floyd’s post:
And it looks as thought Mayweather could be training Soulja Boy too…
50 Cent says this about the fight: “Mayweather just called me and told me he’s going to take the bet. The $250,000 ain’t nothing. Champ bet $400,000 on the halftime. We talking money. Big money!“
We’re stoked for this. Who you got?