MMA Fighter Kicks The Cr*p Out Of Idiots Trying To Rob His Store…

Mayura Dissanayake is an MMA fighter of ten years and a champion scrapper in his homeland of Sri Lanka. To earn a few extra bucks here and there, he also works in a gas station. Don’t worry about trying to learn how to pronounce his name – he’s more simply known as ‘Karate Clerk’ now. After a spectacular taking down of some robbers at his store.

Running out to the parking lot to help his colleague who was being assaulted. “The main fellow I saw, I simply kicked him in the face,” Dissanayake told the media. “At that point I punched the other gentleman.” So polite.

Here’s footage of what went down that fateful day…

‘Karate Clerk’ has got game inside the ring too. Check him out: