Steve Harvey’s Thug Reaction To Dead Air On Family Feud Is BEYOND Funny!

‘Other than fruit, name something you might choose by squeezing it first….?’

DAMN. It’s a tricky one. And you can’t answer with any body parts, okay? Hmmm… Alright, maybe vegetables? Toilet tissue? Bread? There are a few answers. But there weren’t any when Steve Harvey posed the question on Family Feud! Oh no. Not a single one.

The witty host couldn’t believed the amount of dead air when two contestants up at the buzzers drew a huge blank when asked. And dead air ain’t no good for TV, so our man steps in and fixes things. His impression of the two ditzy girls right here is stupidly funny. And the audience goes WILD!

We love Steve Harvey here. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with Alex Trebek. He’s a good ol’ guy. But no one touches Steve in terms of game show hosting…