Thug Chinese Boy Body Slams His Baby Sister!

The arrival of a little brother or sister is often a monumental shock to the system for the first born. No longer are you King of the Castle, the sole focus of your parents’ affection. No; all of a sudden you have a rival. A pretender to the throne. Add to this the fact that a newborn baby demands a lot of care and attention, and the eldest suddenly feels neglected.

So how does he/she react? Some kids immediately bond with their little sibling, and become loving and protective. Others become disruptive, in a desperate bid to get attention from their parents. Others still begin to resent the new arrival. They turn their ire on the baby, and take out their frustrations on them.

This is certainly the case in the following video. The little boy is given his tiny newborn sister to hold when all of a sudden, pow! She’s face down on the bed and he’s got a lot of explaining to do!