The Most Messed-Up Thing a Cornerman’s Ever Done – Caught On Camera!

Boxing and UFC cornermen are a canny bunch. They know all the tips and tricks for helping their fighters out. Nowadays, it’s all above board. We’re not talking about the old days where they’d secretly nick gloves with a penknife or anything…

There’s an old trick that cornermen employ where they soak their man’s junk with ice cold water. Apparently, that’s a foolproof way for how to cool someone down. A splash there and it’s instant coldness throughout. But we’ve never seen it on a woman fighter before!

UFC 190 on Saturday night in Rio de Janeiro. Just before Ronda Rousey dispatched Bethe Correia, the undercard fight saw Claudia Gadelha beat Jessica Aguilar. And she did it with a little help from her cornerman’s water bottle!

Crazy… Check it out: