10 Actors Who Actually Went The Whole Way And “Did It” On Screen…

Do you ever sit down to watch a movie and when there’s a s*x scene, wonder just how awkward it must be on set? And sometimes, when it looks real, wonder how they achieve it? CGI, right? Doubles, yeah? It’s GOTTA be fake… Well, yeah. Sometimes. But not always. You see, some actors are proper method about it.

While a lot of thesps are shy about their bodies and insist on flesh-colored underwear and body doubles, some don’t care. A lot of actors and actresses just want the scene to look realistic. Like Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton in Monster’s Ball…

You might not always actually see it going in, but sometimes it just does. And The Richest bring you a whole heap of examples of just that from cinema history…

Really Did It

Check out some of the best ones right here: