Four Muggers’ Plan To Rob Pizza Guy Goes BADLY WRONG When THIS GUY Turns Up With The Pie…

The plan was simple… The four guys had holed up at an unoccupied house. They made a late order to a pizza company. When the pizza delivery boy arrived, they’d take the pie, rough up the kid and rob him. Then they’d split with the cash and food.

The plan might well have been simple, but it went BADLY wrong. Why? Well, it was all down to who was delivering the food. Not a 150lb kid on a bike. Not at all!

It was 6’3″, 250lb former NFL linebacker Napoleon Harris III. He used to play for the Minnesota Vikings. Nowadays? He’s a senator and runs a Chicago Beggars pizza franchise. He took the call himself that night and had just sent his last delivery guy him. So he decided to make the delivery himself…

Sean Howard, a spokesman for both Harris, said this: “They put a chokehold on the senator, but to no avail. They were really trying to choke him to death, and he was just too strong. He out-powered all four of them.”

“As they were all beating on him, one guy just went out of his way and really hit him hard, and Napoleon never moved. He just looked at him like Hulk Hogan, and from that the guys knew that we better get out of here, because we can’t get this guy down.”

Big mistake, boys! Here’s more on the story of what happens when four dipsh*ts try to mess with someone like Napoleon Harris…