Christmas. It’s the most wonderful time of the year. A time for love, family, a few brandies and a huge street fight, right? Well, it is for these dudes. Having attending something called ‘SantaCon‘ (yeah, apparently that’s a thing…), these boozed-up revelers, dressed as Saint Nick, decided to get into a huge brawl. And the results are really quite spectacular!
Forget turkey, tinsel and a sense of goodwill to all men, these beer-drinking festive types in NEw York City are more interested in acting out some kind of end of days ‘Santapocalypse’-type scenario.
But, hey – look. Before we all judge this gaggle of fighting Santas too much, let’s take a minute to recognize that every Christmas Day has that moment where you can just go on a rampage, doesn’t it…?! Check it out. Merry f*cking Christmas!