Steven Seagal Broke Ex-007 Sean Connery’s Wrist!

Who wins in a fight between The Glimmer Man himself, a man who doesn’t mind coming Under Siege, Steven Seagal and 007 himself, James Bond? Well, alright, Bond actor Sean Connery…? WEll, apparently it’s the guy trained in a whole heap of martial arts. Who’d have thought it, huh?!

Apparently the ‘fight’ happened. While getting ready for his big Bond comeback in Never Say Never Again, way back in 1983, Sean Connery did something to p*ss off his instructor. Who just hapenned to be a young Steven Seagal. Who retaliated with force (a little unfairly). Some time later, Connery actually found out that Seagal had broken his wrist…

Connery says this about what went down: “A number of years ago with a guy who’s become very successful, Steve Seagal. We were going to do a film called Never Say Never Again and there was a possibility I was going to Aikido and what have you. And I got ahold of Steven and we had this training in the building where I had an apartment and he was really very very good and everything.”

The Rock actor continues: “I got a little cocky because I thought I knew what I was doing because the principle is it’s defense, so it’s a pyramid and I got a bit flash and I did that,” he says, gesturing at Leno. “And he broke my wrist.”

Check out exactly what legendary actor told Jay Leno: