Brazilian Soccer Referee Pulls A GUN After Player Kicks Him

A Brazilian soccer referee took a rather unusual approach to player discipline during a game recently in the town of Belo Horizonte. After some player dissent concerning Gabriel Murta’s refusal to award a penalty during the game – the ref left the pitch, headed to the tunnel and returned with A GUN!

No one was hurt, but an investigation has just been launched.

Giuliano Bozzano is from the Minas Gerais Football Federation and also the National Association of Football Referees. He has suggested that people shouldn’t jump to conclusions and that the consequences of a ruling are being very carefully considered.

This is what he says:

“The Minais Gerais Football Federation has already summonsed the referee and a psychologist to a meeting and I’m going to talk with him today. On the basis of that conversation and his account of events and the results of the psychological assessment I’ll decide what if any measures to take.”

“What’s happened is obviously not a common occurrence and I don’t want to rush into anything. At the moment it happened he’s opted for getting his gun because in his view it was a question of controlling a situation.”

Check out what happened: