Donald Trump Offers To Bail Out Kanye West… On One Condition!

As you’ll have no doubt heard recently, Kanye West is in money trouble. Sure, he earns a lot, but he spends more. Most of his debt comes from his failed fashion business efforts. Things look pretty desperate for him. But salvation could well come in the unusual shape of Donald Trump… But it would come at a cost. This is a very strange story indeed.

A leaked direct message from the eccentric billionaire has apparently been doing the rounds and a screenshot of it is being sent around entertainment websites and gossip magazines. Fear of a lawsuit is stopping printing of the message, but it apparently shows Trump contacting Kanye with an offer. An ‘indecent proposal’ involving his wife Kim Kardashian

Apparently the message reads: “Brother. Let me bail you out and fix things. Just send Kim round for one night. Let me know. LOVE”

Trump Kanye

Here’s how we all first found out about Kanye’s cash flow issue and how Trump presumably heard about it too:

Trump does know Kardashian, after all. He had her appear on a perfume-based episode of Celebrity Apprentice back in 2010 and was recently pretty positive about her in an interview with Yahoo! Politics.

“Well, look, she was so nice to me,” he said about her. “I mean every time I see her she’s just—I’m just going to say she was always nice to me.” 

Trump Kanye

It’s not exactly been a secret that Kanye is potentially facing some pretty bad financial trouble ahead. Bankruptcy looms for the rapper and he’s even gone hat in hand to beg Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg for investment. On Twitter.

Trump Kanye

But could Yeezus be tempted to take up the offer? $53m is a lot of money…

Kanye West (2)

Kanye is constantly in the news, isn’t he? And it’s usually related to his Twitter account. Let’s not forget his recent meltdown over Wiz Khalifa and those rumors from Amber Rose.

But however crazy he acts on there, you know there’s no way he expected a DM From what might be the next US President offering to bail him out for a night with his wife…

What’s going to happen? Watch this space.