Elephant Nature Park, Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand. Canadian man Derrick Thomson is in the water – he looks to be in trouble. When help comes in the shape of a certain friend called Kham Lha. But Kham Lha isn’t a colleague or rescue worker… Kham Lha is an elephant.
The fiver year-old pachyderm was rescued by the park four years ago, one of nineteen elephants to be saved from Thailand’s despicable tourism industry, which enslaves large wild animals all the time. Since she’s been at the nature park, Kham Lha and Derrick have grown close.
So when she sees him in the water (apparently) in trouble – her first thoughts are to do whatever’s necessary to keep him from harm. It’s pretty damn sweet, really.
This is brilliant, we love how the elephant doesn’t think about it – she just steams into the water to help her buddy. That’s true friendship, right there…